I decided to compile a list of questions that I get asked often about vaginal steaming in hopes to quell fears and confusion on whether v-steaming is for you. This is in no way a complete list but rather a few notables I thought may help you better navigate your introduction to yoni health. Here goes!
Can I steam while pregnant or while menstruating/ spotting?
Can I steam if I’m trying to get pregnant?
Yes, but only during specific times. This requires special scheduling or if DIY steaming , a consultation.
If I get a consultation can the fee be used towards my steam session intake?
Yes, if its your first consultation and only if you schedule your session within 72 hours NO EXCEPTIONS. NOTE the session may not necessarily take place within that time but it needs to however be on our calendar by the end of the 72 hour time period.
If I’ve never steamed before should I book a consultation first?
No. A mini consultation is included in the steam session. Go ahead and purchase the Goddess Steam - MS and let us know you are new to steaming on the intake form.
Can steaming help with fibroids or cysts?
Yes, research has shown that steaming helps the uterus and fallopian tubes to cleanse out the growths. However, working with an acupuncturist or peristeam hydrotherapist is advised so they can develop a steam plan for you.
Will steaming help with vaginal dryness, toning and prolapse?
Should I steam if I am post menopause, missing a period or have had a hystorectomy?
Yes, it is still benefcial to the reproductive organs to steam for many reasons.
Can pre-pubescent children and teenagers steam?
Yes. Depending on the age and intake form they will do either a mild or advanced set-up.
Can I steam post-partum?
Yes. but there is a time frame and special circumstances affected by your delivery procedure and steaming goals. This case requires a consultation.
How can I book you as a facilitator for an event?
Please book a service and we can start the conversation from there. Click here.
Still got questions? Feel free to comment below and we will answer as completely as possible.