Postpartum Steaming Benefits

1. It clears out lochia as soon as possible
Quickly eliminating lochia reduces chances of infection and postpartum contractions. It also helps the uterus return to pre-pregnancy size and positioning and supports a healthy menstrual cycle when it returns.
2. Tightens the vaginal opening and canal
The vaginal opening and canal support the pelvic floor by holding the uterus and cervix in place. Tightening these areas will ensure proper positioning.
3. Helps to lift the uterus, and facilitates proper repositioning of the neighboring organs
Steaming has a rising action, so it can lift organs and support full healing. This can address prolapse and bladder incontinence.
4. Reduces skin swelling
5. Helps with postpartum hemorrhoids
If you would like to address this problem, simply adjust your seat so the steam gently targets the rectum instead of the yoni.
6. Disperses water retention
During pregnancy it is common to have bloating in the stomach and swollen hands & feet. If this water retention is not dispersed, it will likely turn into fat after about 3-4 weeks.
7. Addresses past problems
Steaming during postpartum is unique because the cervix is open for roughly 4-6 weeks after giving birth. This enables steam to travel easier and address past problems and pathologies.
8. Releases oxytocin
Oxytocin is known as the love hormone and has many benefits for a new mother. The release of this hormone enhances milk production, stimulates the cervix and heightens mood- which can prevent postpartum depression. Oxytocin levels can rise up to 200% while steaming.
9. Softens scar tissue
Steaming is very beneficial for addressing scar tissue. In some cases it can get rid of it completely.
Click here to view research on vaginal steaming
Find Out Your Custom Steam Plan
Because each body is unique, a consultation is necessary in order to receive maximum benefit from steaming. Choosing a yoni steam blend without prior knowledge may cause more harm than good.
The prepping directions for steam setups for postpartum steaming are the same setups as regular steaming. Check out this user guide for instructions.
It is recommended to use rubber gloves while cleaning. After your steam, water should be flushed down the toilet or discarded in a safe place outdoors. Rinse the pot out with water, then wipe it down with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to disinfect.